
TALES OF THE TAPE: Unmanned Planes Fuel AeroVironment Growth

April 21, 2009 (In The News)
CHICAGO (Dow Jones)-With a corner on the U.S. defense market for very small, unmanned aircraft and... Read More

Unmanned Plane to Inspect Inland Powerlines - ABC Online (Australia)

April 15, 2009 (Industry News)
Ergon Energy and the Australian Research Centre for Aerospace (ARCA) are studying the feasibility of... Read More

AeroVironment Featured in CNN’s “Edge of Discovery” Series

April 03, 2009 (In The News)
Cameras with Wings They look like remote-controlled airplanes, but they provide the military with... Read More

AV’s Raven Small UAS Achieves 30-Hour Persistent Surveillance in Demonstration with U.S. Army

April 01, 2009 (Press Releases)
MONROVIA, Calif., April 1, 2009 - The U.S. Army Product Manager for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems... Read More

San Francisco’s Hybrid Taxis Prove Their Worth

March 30, 2009 (Industry News)
Reporting from San Francisco - Even here, in the capital of true believers in one thing or another,... Read More

ISR Operations: “Eye in the Sky”

March 23, 2009 (Industry News)
"Clearly, airborne ISR capability has become indispensible to successful ground and air combat... Read More

AF Raven B Operators Maintain 'Eyes-on' for Ground Forces

March 19, 2009 (In The News)
(Camp Bucca, Iraq, March 19, 2009) - "There it is," said Staff Sgt. Jeff Tomkiewicz, 887th... Read More

So You Think It’s a Toy?

March 17, 2009 (In The News)
KIRKUK AIR BASE, Iraq - RQ-11 Raven unmanned aerial vehicles may be easily mistaken for an... Read More

Smithsonian - Under the Radar with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

February 25, 2009 (In The News)
At the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum (NASM), a display of six unmanned aerial vehicles... Read More